Coming in April/May: "Meet the Indie Author" mini interview series

If there is one thing I have learned from walking this path of self-publishing, and just being a writer in general, it is that community is everything.  As writers and authors, we need to be reaching out to and lifting up our fellow writers with support and encouragement.
   And so I am thrilled to announce that I will be hosting a series of interviews on this blog with three of my fellow indie authors! I am so so so excited to be able to give back to the indie community in my own small way. I am really looking forward to getting to know these authors, and introducing them to you!

Meet the authors:

Katie Holland ~ April 28
PE Kavanagh ~ May 5
The Price Series
Friends and Enemies Series
Fish Tails & Lady Legs
The Horny Little Mermaid: A Short, Sexy Fairytale

Helena Lancaster ~ May 12
The Elements of Ilysia Series
Phoenix from the Ashes: Poetry from Personal Struggle, Rebirth, and Triumph
Behind the Mask: A Collection of Poetry

Passion of the Dragon Saga (with Rayna Kingston)

And as always, if you have any writing questions for me, leave a comment and I will do my best to write a post in response!
Connect with me on GoodReadsPinterest, and Instagram!

Happy writing! 


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